6 Benefits to Hiring Movers and Packers


1. Saves You Time and Effort

One of the biggest surprises people have when they are prepared for  moving day is the huge amount of time it takes to physically go and get moving boxes and materials.  

If you’re thinking you want to save money by going to the liquor store or grocery store and picking up free boxes, you are likely going to have to make that trip several times to get the right amount of boxes. There is no guarantee that there will be any boxes when you get there, so there is a chance that your time and effort will be wasted and you have to end up buying boxes anyways. 

However if you are successful and do get boxes from a liquor store, you may notice that they are very small and it will take you far longer to pack those boxes then if you bought regular size moving boxes. 

Then, on your moving day, it will take longer to move all those boxes because they are so small. loading 100 small boxes into and out of a truck is going to take a significantly longer amount of time then the same thing with 40 large boxes or 60 medium ones. 

There are many examples I can think of where a client tried to save money by getting free boxes but it ended up causing a move to take much longer than if they had used regular boxes. if that client is paying by the hour, they will have a significantly more costly move than necessary. 

Or, if they are moving themselves, they will spend more time physically moving the boxes, which nobody wants. The danger of extra time = extra fatigue and higher changes of damage. 

Typically, when damage occurs is at the end of a move when people are tired.

If you hire packers for your move, they will come to your home with all the necessary boxes and materials, saving you from having to do all that yourself. 

To summarize, hiring packers will save you the time and effort of locating all your own boxes and moving materials.





2. Ensures Safe and Secure Packing

A picture is worth a thousand words, so just check out the difference between a client packed box and a box packed by our packing services.

Well packed and labelled boxesNot Hiring Our Packing Services

3. Reduces the Risk of Injuries

Do you want to be that person who asks a friend to help you move and they injure themselves?

At a certain point in life, the allure of pizza and beer is just not enough incentive. When you hire movers, they have a lot of experience moving heavy and awkward items. 

They are trained in good techniques to use to prevent injury and they do this every day. You and your friends will likely get really tired and as the day goes on, the pace will get slower and slower. This will lead to a very long moving day. 

The longer the move – the higher the chance of injury and damage.

4. Provides Insurance and Liability Coverage

Fun fact about insurance (I know, everyone wants to talk about insurance, it’s almost as exciting as moving)!  

If you hire a moving company to move your items, but you do the packing of boxes yourself, the contents of those boxes are not covered by the moving company’s insurance. I know, that sounds kind of wild, but there is a reasonable explanation for it. 

If the movers didn’t pack the boxes, they have no idea what materials and protection was used and the chance of items being damaged could be quite high. They don’t know if there was already damage on certain items (did that plate already have a chip in it, or did that happen during the move). 

However, if you hire movers and packers for your move, they will provide coverage for you, because they did the packing of your items into boxes. 


On the topic of insurance, if you need a good insurance provider, who can help with everything from travel insurance to business coverage and car insurance, feel free to check out my friend Jonathan at Valiant Insurance

It’s always a good idea to get clarity from the company you are hiring about their specific policies with insurance, but in general, if a mover packs a box, they are liable for it and their insurance would cover it. If they don’t pack the box, you have no coverage. 

Our policy at Fraser Valley Movers is to repair or replace anything we damage on a move, but if that is not possible, we come to an agreeable solution with our client. 

Don't let movers waste time, choose flat rate pricing

5. Cost-Effective in the Long Run

When someone moves and packs themselves it will likely be an all-consuming task for several weeks. It’s really likely that there is a 40+ hr work week and then they are spending evenings and weekends preparing for the move. 

That mental load adds up and takes a toll. Moving is already one of the top stressful experiences someone goes through in their life, and doing it yourself increases that stress quite a lot. When someone  doesn’t hire movers and packers, they’ve run around town trying to get boxes. They’ve spent weeks packing boxes and piling them up in their home. 

They’ve potentially tried to convince friends and family how “fun” it would be to help them, and they’ve had to arrange for a rental truck and equipment (although maybe they forgot about the equipment and have to carry everything by hand). 

On moving day, they will need to drive to pick up the rental truck. 

Hopefully it’s at the location they were told (the reason I say this is because there is a huge number of clients we moved who told me stories of past experiences where a rental truck was not at the place it was supposed to be and it resulted in them having a very delayed start time for their move).

Once the truck is picked up, now they need to drive the thing.

Chances are high that this is not a comfortable experience and will be super stressful trying to navigate a huge truck around the areas it needs to go. 

When they get to their home, the fun will begin!

Now they get to lift the heavy furniture and carry it up or down stairs and try to fit it all into the moving truck. There will also be some challenges to take apart any IKEA furniture, like bedframes or cribs. This will add a whole other level of frustration.

Ultimately, moving day will be a long day, and hopefully nobody will be physically hurt by straining their bodies in ways they aren’t used to.

Hopefully, it will all fit into one trip with the truck and any time deadlines are met. The best case scenario is that the most was completed without injury, no furniture or walls were damaged and everyone is exhausted and fairly stressed. That would be a positive outcome. 

A negative outcome would be: scratched walls and floors, damaged furniture and boxes with broken contents inside and unhappy people moving into the old home because you didn’t get out by the deadline you were supposed to.

The monetary savings of not hiring packers and movers is more than offset by the cost to repair the various things that were damaged, and you may need a day or 2 off work to rest your back. 

Our clients LOVE how we help them

6. Stress-Free Moving Experience

When trusting expert movers, you will have your moving day be much more efficient (and less painful). 

They will show up (assuming you hire a trustworthy company ), and get the job done efficiently. 

When you hire packers for your move, it saves your home from being in a state of chaos for weeks before your move. The packers typically will come in the day before your move and get it all done in that 1 day. Isn’t that a whole lot better than chipping away at it yourself and constantly being reminded by seeing the growing stack of boxes in your living room?

 If this all sounds good to you and you want to explore hiring movers and packers, get in touch with us and we’ll set up a free quote