Commonly asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the quote process look like?

1) Get in touch with me and we'll set up a time for a in-person quote. You can do this via phone call, text, or email.

2) I arrive at your home and spend 10-20 mins looking at all items to be moved.

3) I take 5-7 mins to create the quote and present it to you, with your guaranteed price in writing. 

4) You book the job and check it off your to-do list! 

The entire time I'm in your home is roughly 20-40 mins, although it can be more if it's a large house, or we want to be chatty.

Most companies charge by the hour, why don't you?

True, most companies do charge by the hour. They also typically do an estimate over the phone, and don't know the full scope of the job until moving day. 

We used to operate that way and found there were many problems. Jobs typically took longer than estimated, which led to unhappy clients and worn out movers.

To make the process less stressful for everyone, we changed to doing in person quotes before the move, so the movers and our clients know what to expect BEFORE the job begins.

How do I pack lamps?

The most common question we get about how to pack, is for lamps.

When packing lamps, you want to seperate the shade from the lamp. Put the shade into it's own box (labelled FRAGILE), and the lamp base into it's own box, if it fits. 

If it's a floor lamp, leave the base on the ground and our movers will take it as it is.

How do I pack artwork?

There are boxes specifically made for pictures, called picture boxes (go figure)! These are great options for packing pictures.

However, if there isn't time to get those boxes, you can always cut a cardboard box and put 1 piece on the front and 1 on the back and tape it on so the picture is fully protected on both sides with cardboard.

If you'd like to order picture boxes, that is a service we provide, and can offer free delivery on large enough orders.

How can I be as prepared as possible for my moving day?

If you have chosen to pack boxes yourself, the best way to prepare is the following:

1. Label every box on the side, as well as the top. This lets the movers see where the boxes go, even when they are stacked several boxes high.

2. Put everything into a box that can fit into a box. This seems self-explanatory, but it really does help make the move more efficient. 

3. At your new home, label the rooms with sticky notes, so the movers know which room is which and can deliver your items to the correct place. 

4. While the movers are unloading the truck, have a "director" near the truck who is informing the movers which room to bring the items to. This may seem like a "bossy" thing to do, but our movers love the clarity and it saves them from having to potentially move items multiple times.